【下午三点】上海大学陈玺教授:Shortcuts to adiabaticity
主题:Shortcuts to adiabaticity
主讲人:陈玺 教授
时间:2020年6月16日 15:00
In this talk we shall first review the techniques of shortcuts to adiabaticity by focusing on the experimental progress. Later, we explore how to design the shortcuts to adiabaticity for controlling BECs and soliton in trapping potentials based on Lagrangian variational method. Next, we focus on the efects of many-body coherence on the quantum speed limit and shortcuts to adiabaticity in ultracold atomic gases. To illustrate the effect of the coherence on the dynamics we consider squeezing the anharmonic potential which confines the spinless fermions and the bosonic Tonks-Girardeau gas, and find that the quantum speed limit exhibits subtle differences between the atomic species. Furthermore, we explore the driven dynamics by implementing a shortcut to adiabaticity, thus reducing spurious excitations. We conclude that other applications of shortcuts to adiabaticity for the driven quantum systems.
陈玺,上海大学理学院物理系教授、博士生导师、理学院副院长。本硕博毕业于上海大学理学院物理系。2007年4月留校工作、2011年10月破格晋升教授。2008年获西班牙科技部Juan de la Cierva奖学金。主持完成国家自然科学基金、上海市科委等科研项目10余项;先后入选上海市晨光、青年科技启明星、浦江、曙光、东方学者等人才计划项目。主要研究量子光学、量子信息、量子计算等,发表论文130余篇。近年来,提出了量子绝热捷径技术,在原子物理及量子信息处理中得到了广泛应用,相关成果发表Physical Review Letters和Nature Communications上,得到了国内外同行的关注和实验验证。
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